Brad and Jeff get married!

So here we are.  After 10 years, we're finally ready to take the plunge! Since you're here we guess you got the date, and you're looking for some more information.  A little bit about us?  Details about the ceremony?  Hotel information?  Wow.  You're really asking for a lot.  Please be mindful that this isn't all about you.

Really though, we're honestly so happy you're coming, and we hope you stay and explore for a while. 

In general we expect that this wedding will do a number of things you haven't seen before, which will be a lot of fun.  The part about two people coming together in one union will be like other weddings you've been to, except that there's no bride in this one.


So you'd like to buy us a gift!

First of all, thanks!  We sincerely appreciate it.  Both of us gave a great deal of thought to the issue of gifts.  Giving a gift to a couple on their wedding day is a wonderful way to take part in the celebration, so it's a tradition we wanted to continue in our own wedding.  That being said, it is important to us that giving at our wedding feels right to us, and makes a difference going forward.  So, we've decided to ask for a donation to our favorite animal shelter in lieu of gifts, cause frankly we just don't need a blender.  Check it out:

What's the deal with the shelter?  Why do you want us to donate to that particular shelter?

During the 10 years that we have been together, we have adopted three cats from Bobbi and the Strays, a fantastic animal shelter located in Queens.  Our pets have brought so much joy to our lives, and we just can't imagine how different our lives would have been if we had never welcomed these awesome girls into our lives.  Like any shelter, Bobbi's needs all of the donations that it can get in order to provide for the animals in its care, and we would love to help them!

How do I donate?

It's super easy - all you have to do is: (please read everything - it may seem obvious what to do, but in order for us to acknowledge your gift you gotta follow all four steps):

1.  Click on "Bobbi and the Strays" on the very left side of the page (underneath where it says Registry/Gifts).

2.  Enter your donation amount at the top, and at the bottom where it says "Dedication or Gift (Optional)" please designate your gift in honor of "Brad and Jeff's wedding".  This is important to do - we'll explain why in a sec.

3.  Proceed to checkout, and then create an account.  (Under "new customer login" just enter an email address and password").  After that it should be clear - just enter your information.

4.  At the end, it will give you an option to send an ecard notifying us of your gift.  It would be great if you would send an ecard to so that we know you made a donation. 

(They have lots of fun designs, so if you feel like sending us a quirky card with a completely inapplicable theme, feel free - we'll laugh!)

Why do I need to specifically designate the gift in your honor and send an ecard?  Can't I just do one?

Because these donations are going directly to the shelter, the only way that we will know that you made a donation at all is if you make it in our honor, or send an ecard.  We won't know who to send thank you cards to if we don't get notified, so please don't forget!  We want to make sure that you know how much we appreciate your gift.  The shelter will (hopefully) be able to tell us everyone that designated their gift in honor of the wedding, but just in case there are any snafus we'd love to have the ecards so we can double-check on our own.

So just to be clear, if you don't identify your gift as being associated with the wedding, you won't get a thank you card, then you'll say "ooh child they are so tacky, I gave that shelter a gift and I never heard from them!"  How awkward.

I can't deal with the website and/or it's all so complicated and/or I'd really just rather write a check.  Can we just do that?

Of course!  We would be happy to take checks made out to "Bobbi and the Strays", which we can then deliver to them in one big batch.  Our address is:

99 Jane St., Apt 5B, New York, NY 10014                                                                                              

Is this one of those deals where you're asking for this charitable donation but you're really expecting a gift too, and I kinda have to figure that out and stress about whether I'm doing this all right?

Definitely not - we really mean it when we say that a donation to Bobbi's is all we're asking for.  The time we'll get to spend with you during the wedding weekend is enough of a gift - that's why they call it the present.




Welcome!  We're so glad to have you!