Brad and Jeff get married!

So here we are.  After 10 years, we're finally ready to take the plunge! Since you're here we guess you got the date, and you're looking for some more information.  A little bit about us?  Details about the ceremony?  Hotel information?  Wow.  You're really asking for a lot.  Please be mindful that this isn't all about you.

Really though, we're honestly so happy you're coming, and we hope you stay and explore for a while. 

In general we expect that this wedding will do a number of things you haven't seen before, which will be a lot of fun.  The part about two people coming together in one union will be like other weddings you've been to, except that there's no bride in this one.


So here we are.  We are incredibly excited to have you at our wedding - friends and family are what will make this a super special event!  We're also excited that you're here looking at our website...well, not as excited as we are about you coming to the wedding.  If you only have time for one, close your browser and come to the wedding.

This would also be a good place for us to set the tone of the affair...we're going for fun but not garish...sweet but not cloying.  Seems like a good time for a picture - let's try that.  Look, there's one.

A candid moment.  Here we are, toasting with chips to celebrate getting engaged just moments before!  The dude in the back in serving some serious backwards-glance-photobomb realness.#icamehereforpastaandgotasideofgaymarriageproposal

A candid moment.  Here we are, toasting with chips to celebrate getting engaged just moments before!  The dude in the back in serving some serious backwards-glance-photobomb realness.


But you came here for our story, so let's get to that.  Why don't we start at the beginning...

Cleopatra and Marc Antony.  Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.  Britney Spears and Jason Alexander.  All great loves...all timeless romances.  And yet, most people don't realize that these loves all began in the same way...

Yes - just like these well-known lovers, the two of us met long ago in the dating paradise that is  A veritable cornucopia of meaningful connections, this supportive community nurtured us until we could finally meet in person.  But where?  Well, we did what any New Yorkers would do, and picked a public place in case the other one turned out to be a psycho, necessitating a quick escape, or simply so ugly that the only option would be to just keep on walking.  Was it a coffee shop?  Perhaps a bar?  Of course not - it was in front of the Best Buy in Chelsea!

Where ball meets chain*...and compact disc players are 20% off when you open a new credit card account***Some restrictions apply                 **Other, different restrictions apply

Where ball meets chain*

...and compact disc players are 20% off when you open a new credit card account**

*Some restrictions apply                 **Other, different restrictions apply

Thus this aging electronics behemoth served as the backdrop for our real starting point - the first time that we ever saw each other in person.  As it turns out, we both got more that day than an incredible deal on the latest 6 pound flip phone - we got true love.  But not from Best Buy.  They don't sell that there. We got true love from each other.

Well, not right away.  Jeff still recalls an incident in which he asked Brad to be his boyfriend, to which Brad replied "I don't think we're at that point yet".  Ouch.  And yet, somehow, we've made it this far.  10 years together.

Lots of things have happened since that day in front of Best Buy.  Most, like when we welcomed several wonderful cats into our home, have been great.  Like any other couple, though, we've had our share of difficult times as well.  We thought we could go year by year, sharing our top five memories and the top five most difficult moments that we experienced.

Haha OMG just kidding. Can you imagine? So boring. Most of you were there for lots of it anyway. 

Welcome!  We're so glad to have you!