Brad and Jeff get married!

So here we are.  After 10 years, we're finally ready to take the plunge! Since you're here we guess you got the date, and you're looking for some more information.  A little bit about us?  Details about the ceremony?  Hotel information?  Wow.  You're really asking for a lot.  Please be mindful that this isn't all about you.

Really though, we're honestly so happy you're coming, and we hope you stay and explore for a while. 

In general we expect that this wedding will do a number of things you haven't seen before, which will be a lot of fun.  The part about two people coming together in one union will be like other weddings you've been to, except that there's no bride in this one.


Q:  Why did you opt for a same-sex marriage, rather than a more traditional marriage?  Are you worried your union will appear dated in the future?

A:  We decided that this union would best meet both of our needs at this time, but can of course reconsider this decision in the future if our preferences change.

Q:  How did you come up with such a fancy and professional website?  It must have cost a fortune to pay a seasoned website designer!

A:  Believe it or not, all that happened was that we basically divided up some of the behind the scenes stuff that needed to be done, and Brad volunteered to create the website.  He actually has no experience creating websites! 

Q:  How did you guys get engaged?

A:  Last year we had a trip planned to Las Vegas, so Jeff sweetly made a dinner reservation at Spago, the restaurant where Nomi Malone and Crystal Connors ate together in Brad's favorite movie, Showgirls.  In fact, we even ate at the same table where those two fabulous ladies dined, and we toasted with a chip just like they did!

Q:  Speaking of Showgirls, can I be your understudy?

A:  We'll see, darlin.


Q:  I'd love to give you guys a gift.  Are you registered?

A:  Click below - it's got everything you need baby!!

Welcome!  We're so glad to have you!